One year anniversary of playing WoW, achievements & disappointments.
My first toon when i started playing wow as a newbie 1 year ago. Made some decision mistakes and trial and error, one of it would be; should have made a female! lol.

This is my alt warlock toon on another PvE server, check out the gnome!
Much better then a human in the case of racial abilties.

This is my alt rogue toon that i play with my friends, check out the awesome tier 3!
Much harder to get but well worth the effort.
Finally i can kill casters with ease, had enought of rogues attacking my warlocks.

This is my first ever hunter, i don't plan to make any more hunters. Hunters are awesome but not really my type of playstyle. I would prefer a warlock if the pet is a requirement.
Luckily i have a buddy in guild that craft ammo for my gun, thorium shells. Thanks bud.

Created a Gnome warrior a few months back, irony of a small player tanking huge bosses.
one of my fav toon, i find it cute, short legs run slow? Nah, its the same.
Luckily i am not the main tank in my guild, i was assigned the sub-tank along with four others.
I am grateful for that decision, Rocks my World!

This paladin is trained by a few guildes powerlevel each other, we aim to hit rockbottom in four weeks. Quite an achievement for a 1year player as i am, but my heart did suffer. (pace was too fast) Experianced the rush of madness, completed quests in a matter of hours, move on to next location and complete like there is no tomorrow.

Lastly my priest, created as i was lazy and wanted to heal only. Also incase there are enought sub-tanks in the raid and i can use the priest to heal. Holy spec and only Tier1, least a healer.