Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Busy Week

This 2nd week of term break is a busy week, not only has the need to do PoM and French assignments, has to do CmsK and ECSA assignments part2. On top of that is the WsaD due this coming monday at 9am.

Major Project Evalution this friday is stressful, got to prepare and convince the evalutor of our progress in these past weeks.

Week one is much better with only Major Project to worry about and a couple of meetings with the supervisor.

Until then got to get busy!



Five Projects under my nose. one from elective, one from CDS and three from core subjects.

One Major Project


Tuesday, June 19, 2007



muahahaha, three max leveled characters with decent gear and superb specifications.

trained them over 4 to 5 months along with about a dozen of mid level characters.

played as both fractions and all races/classes.

finished the contents of the game developed by the producers.

left with little to do, playing around a couple of hours a week.


Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Today went by very quickly, wake up, play wow, at night watch tv and time to sleep.

It is already 11.35pm.

I still have alot of things to do, for example study for tomorrow test, read todays' newapapers, read email, play wow, post on the blog and finish up my files downloading.

Anyway i found out i missed out some quests on hellfire some way back.

I am behind my level range hence doing mostly green quests.

Don't know why i am 65 but have not gone to many places in outlands.

That is on my allience character, haha. For Horde i had seen it all.

Some pvp rewards i wanted to get for my warlock.

In Zangarmarsh for Trinket
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In BoneWastes for Hat
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And Gem to fit in Hat
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In Halaa for Belt
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It Is Fun Being at both fractions and being a healing and a damage =D

Friday, June 01, 2007

Warlock Epic Mount Quest

Warlock Epic Mount Quest

Go to winterfall to gather 40 blood of the wildkin

Report to npc by the altar of storms with these materials:

3 black dragonscale (50g each from master skinner) sub total : 150g

30 ghost mushroom (10g each from master herb-man) sub total : 300g

10 elixir of shadowpower (10g each as master alchimist fee) sub total : 100g

3 thoruim bar (80g each from master miner) sub total : 240g

3 arcane crystal (100g each from master alchimist) sub total : 300g

3 arcatine bars (50g each as master alchimist fee) sub total : 150g

25 dark iron ore (10g each from master miner) sub total : 250g

6 large brilliant shards (30g each from master enchanter) sub total : 180g

Material cost total at 1670g

Require to find players of professions at master level of :


Then go to part 2 to shadow hold for a serials of quests (buy shadowy potion 6g[required])

after completion buy 4 material from npc :

black loadstone : 50g
jeevee jar : 150g
xorothian glyphs : 50g
xorothian stardust : 150g

npc price total 400g

Finally everything has been collected, time for part 3 and 4

Go to scholo for a chain of quests deep into the dungeon's alchimist lab (5 man group)

Go to dire maul for a chain of quests deep into the dungeon's altar (5 man group)

Need an experianced warlock who did these before to guild the group as the process is very complicated and dangerous.

Total cost of completion in gold : 2070g

Riding skill 125 training from npc for other classes cost 540g
Mount cost 100g with choice of colour and design

Total : 640g

Compare the Warlock epic mount quest to what others pay for their level 60, 100% speed mount. Much more time and effort are needed to complete this 4 part of 6 chains epic quest.

These prices and situations are based on after TBC release

Play on nightmare mode by rolling a warlock - jeevees