Friday, December 22, 2006

Y-E Holiday

This is the year end holiday for most students, but for poly students its the term break of only two weeks with tons of assignments and reports due right after the break. Happy times enjoy while it last, not for long anyway.

My 6 days old troll rouge from the previous post, yup i am bored and finished with it. The last two days were spent exploring new places and making friends. Other then that is to run instances for the equipments and good exp. The finishing touches then it will be placed unplayed in its realm as i move on to the next realms. Realms are just different servers on the WoW world.

Happy and contented with my rouge. I had tried out a warlock, warrior, hunter, priest and lastly rouge. Now i have an interest in shamens and druids, maybe i will create a new toon for that classes. Until then its a WoWtime and see ya!

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Term Break is a real break in my busy and rushing life. I appreciated the break and thank myself, my parents, the school management and everyone. Enjoying the WooDay(s) daily on every monents of my life for this two weeks. It has never been any better.

On friday i renew my account with Blizz and is able to play WoW once again. I created a new character, an Troll Rouge on the Horde Fraction. Still having fun with it, wondering when will i be bored and finished with this character. fyi: i had around 10+ chars on different realms.

The Xmas Festive Season mood is on earth once again! I rejoice for everyone, every follower and every merrymaker. Its the bonding and friendness that counts. Have a Wonderful and Fabulous Holiday Folks.

Friday, December 15, 2006


After the term tests is a time to rejoice and to relax at the inn. I have nothing to do suddenly, no stress, no pressure, no guilt, no deadlines. Drifting in my home doing nothing and relaxing. This provide me time to think and rethink the past, present and future.

Woah i had experianced this before! Its the same feeling always, so familiar yet so strange.

Nothing is Everything, Everything is Nothing.

To Acquire is To Remove, To Remove is To Acquire.

Contented to have loved before and not eternity love.



Tonight game i play online with other bnet players using bloodseeker is great, actually i wanted to use medusa but there is a anti-mage in the opponent team so i change to use bloodseeker. Completely owned the anti-mage's blink and orb effects. The earthshaker hero also got owned by my rapture and blood bath. Cool.

Only the Orgi Magi and Lightning Relevent pose a challenge, if the two come vs me i will be killed. My Kills 16, Deaths 3. Almost killed roshan with my bs and a friend loa.(Just the two of us, but game ended.)


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Simple Paper


SWEN term test is sweet and simple, MCQ for the first part and 3 questions for section B. The MCQ is a give-away marks with clear and independent answers, not like those with similar answers then need to choose the most proper one.

Section B require plenty of free form writing that are fabalous and simple. I did't write properly as i am bored and many fellow students had already left the exam venue. But i believe i had written enought or at least the basic. Haha, i personaly hate to dwell on details and explainations.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Thomas & Friends

I recall from young childhood; frequently watch a Tv cartoon series on fictional train engines. The Train Engines have face on the front. Read more on this link to Winkipedia:

Mcode: 1911314: 14949 'Ignore this' =)

Thor Hammer

Today morning Csad term test questions is a hammer hitting on my head, i am stunned by the complexity & depth of the questions. There can be many solutions and explainations to the sub questions of the main question, which do i write and how do i start. Hence the 3 question smokescreen is wicked, each question are futher spilt into part a, b and c.

Lunch of Hokkien Noodles does taste blant and cold, it takes hell lot of time to cook though. I waited quite a 15 to 20 min plus the aunti serving is confused by the many orders and customers.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Business School

Today's BBFin Business Finance term test is conducted at the business school. Its a nice place characterise by its beautiful ladies populating the building. There are even free drinks of red bull, alas i missed the free drinks just as i walk out of the library i saw 2 RedBull ladies walking off with empty bags. Anyway i don't really like or remember drinking red bull.

Its a peaceful day, with a few lucky monents for me. In the library lift there is a wonderful surprise and on the bus home there is a fabalous company. I am Smiling my way home. If only, If only ... My goodness. Its clean, no puns intended.

I am waiting, waiting for so long for my dearest burning crusade. Its taking forever, one day it will be here. Ah haa my blood elf rouge, i had got it all planned and written from the professions to the talents. My wish for xmas is WoW:BurningCrusade & a prepaid card would be best.

Monday, December 11, 2006

-The Flung-

My goodness i had about quite flung my term test, made a series of mistakes that costs a number of marks. My goodness. My dearest marks gone going gone.

Maybe on the other hand i did not prepare enough on that topic.

Hais la la la. I see light at the distant end glittering and welcoming. Today i just took a handphone picture that i am very please of, its of my Dota: AllStars Medusa hero; invincible and immortal.

Raising & Finding the cash and time to Continue my WoW Gameplay soon hopefully.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

From the Developers

Longtime fans of the series will recall that this story began as the struggle between Orcs and Humans. Now we expand the tale to encompass the conflict between Trolls and Elves, Gnomes and Goblins, Dwarves and Tauren, Demons and Undead. For the first time in the series, you will control a single character, and from this new perspective, personally help determine the result of this world conflict. With great pride now the gates to the world of Azeroth are open, to join either the vicious Horde or the noble Alliance to forge every unique Warcraft story.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Before the Storm


Before the storm of the term test exams! I found out that i cannot focus to study before the exams. My brain is constantly thinking of games and ladies, having fun and relaxing. Is this the silence before the hammer strike and the storm begins. May god bless me to realise my potential and clear mind of any unwanted thoughts.

How i wish to have a new handphone, i always have this urge to accquire a new phone when my friends around me change their phones. Anyway it is boring to face the same phone daily.


Thursday, December 07, 2006

One Meal


I had found a way to eat one meal a day. Day 'zero' sleep late at night, around 4/5 am. For day 'one' wake up late at 10 am, and procees with my stressful & rubbish life, go to school, etc. Ate first meal of the day at 3pm then bah bah continue life. Thats it! Sleep late at 4/5 am on day 'one' and continue to day 'two'. This cycle repeats itself. Hahax.

Backach and knee pain.. damn my weak physical form.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

-Devil Sunrise-


Because of the bending of sunlight causes the sun to be seen while it is still below the horizon, both sunrise and sunset are daily optical illusions. I had a strange disturbing one occasionally.

The morning i wake up to a Devil Sunrise streaming red and white Sun-beams into my sight, i saw Satan, Asmodai, Beelzebub, Lucifer and Mephistopheles. The Devil Lucifer also known as Kirsten Foreman mentioned he is an angel who acted against God and thus has been condemned to the Lake of Fire in Hell. Human of his incarnation will be seen having experiance the Devil Sunrise. Eternal Damnation befall upon these individuals.



Tuesday, December 05, 2006

ვიკიპედია:რჩეული სტატიები


ეს გვერდი ეთმობა რჩეული სტატიების თემას. რჩეული სტატია უნდა წარმოადგენდეს საუკეთესო ნიმუშს, რომელიც შეიძლება წარედგინოს ვიკიპედიის მკითხველს. ამჟამად რჩეული სტატია არის ის, რომელიც გარკვეული პერიოდის (ერთი კვირა) განმავლობაში მთავარ გვერდზე გამოიტანება. სასურველია ამგვარი სტატიის შერჩევა მოხდეს ვიკიპედიის მომხმარებელთა მიერ. ამისათვის უნდა დასახელდეს კანდიდატები და მათ შესახებ გამოითქვას მოსაზრებები (ცხარე დებატები საჭირო არ არის!).


Berlin Wall


The Berlin Wall (German: Berliner Mauer or Antifaschistischer Schutzwall in the former German Democratic Republic), an iconic symbol of the Cold War, was initially constructed starting on August 13, 1961 and dismantled in the weeks following November 9, 1989. The Berlin Wall was the most prominent part of the GDR border system. Conceived by the East German administration of Walter Ulbricht and approved by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev[1] the wall was a long separation barrier between West Berlin and East Germany (the German Democratic Republic), which closed the border between East and West Berlin for a period of 28 years.


Monday, December 04, 2006

Einstürzende Neubauten


Einstürzende Neubauten is an ever-changing experimental music band, originally from West Berlin, formed in 1980. The band is often classified as industrial or electronica, though neither really applies well in describing what it is that Einstürzende Neubauten does or sounds like. The band is best described as creating experimental music with their own personal stylistic sensibilities. One of the band's "trademarks" is the use of self-made instruments (usually, but not always, made out of scrap metal and building tools) and noises, in addition to standard musical instruments. Neubauten has always experimented with sounds, originally in noise music and recently in silence (such as with the Silence Is Sexy album).


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Scythian Monks


Scythian Monks were a community of monks from the region around the mouth of the Danube, who played an influential role in Christian life between the fourth and the sixth century, shaping modern Christian dogma and calendar through their works. The name Scythian does not referee to ethnicity, but comes from Scythia Minor, the classical name of modern Dobrogea region in Romania, a former Roman province. They were raised from the Romanised Christian Thraco-Roman elements, but also from the immigrant Christians who camed to live ascetic lives.


radioastronomie millimétrique


The Institut de radioastronomie millimétrique (IRAM) operates two observatories at millimetre wavelengths, which are open to the international astronomical community: The 30-m single-dish telescope on Pico Veleta (2850 m), located in Sierra Nevada (Spain), and the six-antenna interferometer on the Plateau de Bure (2550 m) in the French Alps. Both sites are at high altitude to reduce the absorption by water vapour. The observatories are supported by the IRAM offices and laboratories in Granada and Grenoble. IRAM, which is directed by Pierre Cox, has its headquarters in Grenoble.
