Tuesday, April 03, 2007

One Month

One month has passed since the start of our school vacation.

Time flew fast day by day, hours by hours.

Werid fact that during holidays the hours flew pass like minutes


The days gone like hours, day / night / day / night

Progress has been impressive and as expected

Time to take it easy and rest for the remaining holidays

Some time out for tv and gatherings is a much needed break


Got to go back to school soon for mp and the next sem

Cheers to success and better results in both work and play!

Untill then i should be able to post once a week or two.

Arcanite Bar

Have been away so long, busy to not update here.

Todays is server downtime, got some time off to update and watch some tv.

~Blood Elf Paladin~

Paladin at Lbrs with a restro druid.

The restro druid can turn into a tree of life as shown =p

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Paladin with some 70 and 60 at BRD Emperor run.

we went into the summoner room and beyond the lycrum, princess of ironforge was there.

After we defeated the emperor and princess, sat at his throne and took a group photo.

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Paladin at 42

Riding around tarnis keeping the law and order.

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